Abandon All hope, ye who enters......

Friday, July 15, 2011

My stupid form 6 life.

Uhuh.....Form six. That's what I got. I entered the school near my old school, SMK Seri Serdang. And of course, to fulfill my dream of being an engineer [NOTE: Creating Iron Man Suits], I entered 6 Mulia Bawah, the infamous physics class.

The first thing I learned from this class is you DO NOT DISCRIMINATE. In this class, we may all be Chinese (the Malay guy went to polytechnic institution) but nonetheless we tolerate everything except racism. And talentism.

MEANWHILE, in the Biology class, they don't take no shit with yo' pointless yappin'. You talk too much? Not from their school? You might as well have the Plague.

In my class, instead of pointless studying, we study in a stress-free environment. Especially for Maths. A typical conversation with our Maths/Form teacher Encik Kamarulzaman starts like this.

US: Cikgu, kenapa kamu lewat?
KZ: Aiyah, saya ada hal sikit.

Note the aiyah. From that day onwards, we would pepper our conversation with aiyah, ahhhh and several other nonsense from this teacher.

For chemistry? My gawd. We use Methyl "jingga" for methyl orange.

So that's about it for my class. I hope I survive the time for F6!

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