Abandon All hope, ye who enters......

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Dude, 2012 doomsday!

Sooooo, after a happy Halloween watching Treehouse of Horror and reading about Silent Hill, I began to fresh up with information on 2012. The end of the 13th Baktun, apparently, means the end of the world. I was like, Dude up there, stop!!!! I'm still young, dude!

After several hours of analyzing the date, several other things, and more crap, I found a weird stuff.

Two weeks, ago, I watched the NUMBER23 by Jim Carey. So.......that fella has something against 23. And I added this movie into my research and found out something.

5 is a creepy number

2012: 2+0+1+2=5
23: 2+3=5
Adam and Eve: 10, which is two fives, for two people
Genesis: 7, which is 5+2
Piano: 5 letters
JFK: 3, which is the middle of 5
Flowers: 7, which is 5+2
USA: 3, 5-2
English: 7, 2+5
666: 6+6+6=18, 1+8=9, 5 is the middle number
Shit: 4, which if rounded off is 5
Kanye West: 9, 5 is the middle number
Prada: 5 numbers
Alien: 5 numbers

Demon's number is 5!!!!! It is everywhere!!!!! The end is everywhere!!!!!