Abandon All hope, ye who enters......

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Toku Rant #2 Marvel and Toei

Well, today's time for another toku rant. Today I'm gonna talk about the relationship between:

MarvelLogo.svgandToei Company.jpg

Well, first of all, many of you will point out the obvious. Marvel and Toei produces superheroes! We have spiderman, fantastic four, avengers on one side, and we have Kamen Riders and Super Sentai on the other. Did you think it stopped there? Of course not, silly!

Marvel and Toei once had a licensing agreement lasting 3 years. Basically Toei would be free to take anything from Marvel and give their own twist, likewise for Marvel. So Toei took one of the best assets from Marvel:

Toei Spiderman TC.PNG

Supaida-man. Spiderman. Here's the opening:

At o.55, we see that spiderman has this.


But believe it or not, without

We would have no

Yes, one relationship between Toei and Marvel is that Spider-man was one of the first superheroes to get a giant robot. And yes, he got it even earlier than Super Sentai.

Speaking of which.

The second relationship between Toei and Marvel is this:


This is Captain America. Toei 'decided' to adapt Cap into Japanese format. Oh...based on the Spider-man experiences, I guess you can see where this is going...


One of the most interesting things about BFJ is that it was the first Super Sentai show to use the name Super Sentai. Before that, the 2 sentais were creations of the late Shotaro Ishinomori. By this time, Toei were somewhat out of ideas. To remedy that, they created BFJ.

So, in a convoluted way:


There would be no

And without Battle Fever J, there would be no

Jyu r09 c20.gif

And without Zyuranger, there would be no

Aaaaand without MMPR, there would be no

Yes.....Power Rangers Samurai came from Captain America.

By the way, without

we would have been spared of

Yes....Toku fans out there, next time you see a ridiculous mecha from sentai like this:

Which makes you want to swear and give up sentai,

Thank him.


By the way, guess what Marvel took. Kamen Riders? Gorangers? Inazuman maybe? Zvatt?

They took giant robots. Wrap your head around that.

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