Abandon All hope, ye who enters......

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Gawd Help Stephanie Meyer

The telley is on right now, and guess whats on??? Twilight!!!! All because of my darling sister. I watched for about 1 hour (a new record!!!) and couldn't stand it anymore.

For those that dunno what is Twilight, here's a picture.


The movie is actually based off a book series written by Stephanie Meyer. Also called Twilight, it's 'bestselling'.

Well, well Stephanie Meyer, Please don't screw an awesome theme. Vampires+romance????????? I think the equation is =complete disaster!!!!!

The movie started out slow like a snail under the influence of morphine. The girl saw a weird boy. She fell in love. The boy had white skin, red eyes, cold skin and sharp eyeteeth.

Are you retarded?! It's a bloody vampire!!!! Duh!!!!!!!!!! Are you blind?!

Well, I think this movie deserves a rating......drumroll.......

infinite negative 6stars!!! Congrats!!!!

1 comment:

PetaiKid said...

dude, I hate twilight too!
Can't stand that kind of romance...too romantic for me, makes me have terrible goose bumps...