Abandon All hope, ye who enters......

Monday, March 14, 2011

Earth Paranoids

Lately, cause of the plethora of end-of-the-world bullshit, people (yes, I'm talking about you) have become increasingly paranoid.

First there was the Fukushima I Nuke Power Plant.

Before and after images of the hydrogen explosion at Fukushima I Unit 1 reactor

Yes, I lived to see a real nuclear meltdown. But lately, people have been posting THIS on Facebook:

Blah blah blah Nuclear Meltdown Japan, blah blah blah rain, blah blah blah Thyroid Gland, radiation, blah blah blah.

Screw you guys, STOP BEING PARANOID. The Fukushima I incident is only a LEVEL 4 NUCLEAR INCIDENT. Level 4. This is what a Level 7 (Habis-semua) nuke explosion looks like.

Chernobyl Disaster.jpg
That, My friends, Is Chernobyl. The only level 7 incident in history. Compared to this, Japan's incident is nothing. SO STOP BEING PARANOID FACHERS!

1 comment:

Armarn said...

Awesome! Ahahaha
